Building News

working towards state-of-the-art education facilities across the Trust

Bramcote College New Build Meeting

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First published on 29th January 2021 in issue 274 of the Trust Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to subscribers and to all parents/carers of students at The White Hills Park Trust, for whom we hold a valid email address. They also published on the websites of the Trust  and each of its academies.  Archive copies of the Newsletter are available on request.

As many of you will know, over the last few years, we have been working to secure a new school building for Bramcote College, using the receipts from the sale of the land of former playing fields on Coventry Lane. It has always been a central part of our vision that our new school will be at the heart of our community, as it is for all of the schools in the Trust. The best way to ensure that this happens is to keep people informed and involved in defining the vision of our new school. One way we will do this is to invite parents and other local people to a termly meeting as we bring our new building to life.

The first meeting will be held online on Monday 1st February at 6pm. All are welcome. We will give a presentation to update you on the state of the project so far, and then lead a discussion on the aspirations for our new school. 

To join the meeting on Monday using Zoom, please use the following link: (redacted)

Alternatively, enter the Meeting ID (redacted) and Passcode (redacted) into the Zoom app or website.

We look forward to seeing you.

Dr Paul Heery

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